
This Week At Unobserved #3


Settings & Stuff

This week I worked for twenty-three hours on Furtherance. I have a basic skeleton of the app's settings with things like default view, idle detection, and all of the pomodoro settings (breaks, big breaks, intervals, etc.). The settings page is broken into tabs, just like in the old app, to make everything easier to find. iced_aw (Iced - Additional Widgets) has been a great resource for these extra widgets (such as tabs) that are not (yet?) included in upstream Iced, and I have a few contributions I want to make to the project soon to show my love. It's looking good, but many more settings still need to be added for features that have not yet been implemented.

Furtherance Settings

I also implemented ALL of the pomodoro features, which was a lot. The app now has parity with the Mac app in that department, which means it has a snooze option if you want to keep working, breaks, and extended breaks at a certain interval. Again, all of these options can be tweaked or enabled/disabled in the settings. This should make Furtherance 3.0 much more usable as a pomodoro timer than the old GTK app was, which can essentially only count down.

Another change from the old app is the introduction of earnings (also available already in the Mac app). Now, you will be able to see your earnings for each task and each day in the history, based on the hourly rate you set and the time you spent on the task/tasks. This is a feature that has been requested since near the time Furtherance was launched, and it's finally here!

Finally, there were a lot of little bug fixes and codebase improvements that users will never know existed but make me feel better while programming.

That's all I've got this week. You can follow the development throughout the week on GitHub.