
This Week At Unobserved #4


Charts, Context, and Backups

This week I worked for thirty-three hours on Furtherance, ten more than last week. I got a lot done and I'm really excited about how close we are getting to release. It's not exactly right around the corner, but it could be released as early as the end of this month if progress continues as it has. I'm probably about 80% done with the app, but the last 10-20% always seems to take as long as the first 80-90% in app building.

This week I finished all of the charts in the Report view. I wanted to add the list report type as well, but Iced has not yet implemented lists upstream, so I'm going to wait for that so that I don't roll my own solution that becomes obsolete in just a month or two (which is the timeframe I'm hoping for, but we'll see).

Furtherance Charts

I also used iced_aw's context menu to add a context menu to both history items and shortcuts. I originally didn't want to use iced_aw's implementation because I thought it was ugly, but I was able to, pretty easily, stylize it and make it look good. Now, from the context menu, users can edit and delete shortcuts, or edit, delete, repeat, and create shortcuts from history items. This is a nicer way of interacting with these items than having a bunch of buttons cluttering the window.

The other two major bits I worked on were the user settings and the backup options. The app now has toggles for all of the options it had in the previous version of Furtherance, plus a couple more. Most importantly, just like before, users can change their database location, import and export to CSV, and create a backup of their database. Changing the location is especially important for users who want to sync Furtherance with multiple devices using a solution like Nextcloud or Dropbox.

Furtherance Backup

That's all I've got this week. You can follow the development throughout the week on GitHub.